Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hammer it Out Your Ass, Mitt Romney.

So I'm at job numero dos today, scanning the store's web page for upcoming book releases. I'm having a mellow morning, all things considered. Just dealing with a light customer flow and looking for some good, upcoming reads. As I'm scanning the lists, I see that Mitt Romney, Mormon and hair gel enthusiast, is releasing a book. I read the title, and my blood begins to percolate.

That title? "No Apology: The Case For American Greatness".

The first thing that frosts my balls is "No Apology". If there's one thing that just boggles my mind, it's this bullshit, macho idea that apology represents a form of weakness. The idea that, by admitting a wrong, we've somehow compromised ourselves. Aren't children taught from a young age that when you do something wrong, you apologize for it? Don't you, as a human being, expect an apology when you've been wronged? Don't you consider someone's ability to admit an error a sign of good character? So why, pray tell, do some people throw those basic ideas out the window when it comes to the notion of this country being conciliatory and admitting wrongs on the stage of world affairs?

Let's be honest, and put the patented phony patriotism this country is famous for on hold for a bit. I love this country. I think we, as Americans, are capable of great kindness and generosity and acceptance. But, and here's where the honesty comes in, I'm not blind to our faults. In addition to our more noble and admirable traits, we're also capable of atrocity and violence and selfishness and bigotry. Does it make me less of an American to admit our faults? Some would say yes. The segment of the population that thumps their chest, crowing, proclaiming America's superiority at every turn, would most definitely label me unpatriotic. I just find it strange that in this country, a land born of rebellion, some find it un-American to question the motives and actions of one's country. I think Gilbert K. Chesterson said it best: "My country, right or wrong is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, My mother, drunk or sober."

Lest you think I'm putting the cart before the horse and jumping to conclusions about Mitt's meaning, here's a quote from the book description:

"On his first presidential visit to address the European nations, President Obama felt it necessary to apologize for America’s international power. He repeated that apology when visiting Latin America, and again to Muslims worldwide in an interview broadcast on Al-Arabiya television."

As much as I want to crawl up Mitt's ass on a number of points, I'm going to stay on topic. The "apology". Look, I'm not entirely happy with the way Obama has approached his first term to date. He's been a corporatist and he hasn't been nearly progressive enough for my taste. But the idea that Obama apologized for "America's international power" is a big, steaming pile of horseshit on par with W's, "The terrorists hate us for our freedom" spiel. What Obama apologized for was America's haughty, arrogant attitude in dealing with the world. I'll let Obama's own words speak for themselves. Here's what he said in the speech Romney mentions:

"In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

Anyone want to challenge those assertions? I didn't think so. Ask anyone in France, and they'll tell you what happens when a country can't in good conscience follow America's lead. The French choose not to participate in the horror-show that is Iraq, and in America they're demonized for it. What did they really do? They said, "No thank you, America. We're sitting this bullshit out." America responds with name-calling, Toby Keith and a scathing renaming of the French fry.

But wait, there's more!

"In No Apology, Mitt Romney asserts that American strength is essential—not just for our own well-being, but for the world’s. Governments such as China and a newly-robust Russia threaten to overtake us on many fronts, and Islam continues its dangerous rise."

Mitt, part of America's strength should be our ability to admit when we're wrong. Do you know how many friends and allies we lost with the whole, "We're the toughest motherfuckers on the block and we don't answer to anyone" shit of the past eight years? How does alienating people make us stronger? How does acting like a bunch of smug, dismissive pricks do anything but harm?

Oh, and another thing - when a bunch of Christians go around bawling that they all can't be judged by the acts of a few bad apples, it's best not to judge all of Islam on the acts of a few. The growth of Islam is a "dangerous rise"? Get off it, you racist prick. Stop pandering to the fringe elements of your base and grow up.

As for "American Greatness"?

Have we, as a nation, been great? Absolutely. Will we be great heading into the future? Undoubtedly. Are we great all the time? Hardly. Nobody is. I think I'm a good person, but admittedly there are times when I fall short. We all do. We're all flawed, the people who make up this land; and by virtue of that this country, this collection of flawed humanity, is flawed as well. To deny those flaws, and to belittle those who admit to and apologize for them, is the height of arrogance and ignorance. What makes a nation great is the ability to be strong not just in bluster and military might, but strong in character and principle as well. Showing the world that we value them and their opinions, and don't just view them as a means to our own selfish ends, goes a long way toward showing true American greatness.

John Donne said, "No man is an island entire of itself." I think that applies to nations as well as individuals. Relationships based on mutual respect, honesty and the ability to concede past wrongs are essential. America must move beyond this posturing role as the biggest bully on the block, and realize that greatness often comes in the form of silent dignity, rather than bluster.

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